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Nos Professeurs

All trainers at the Alexander Teacher Training School are experienced teachers of the Alexander Technique, and members of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) and of the French Association of Teachers of the AT (APTA). From time to time, visiting experts and trainers will be invited to teach and offer workshops.

Odyssée Gaveau
Head of training
Odyssée completed her training in 1983 with Patrick Macdonald in London, and has studied extensively with several of the first generation of teachers to be qualified by Alexander. Odyssée has been training teachers since 1986 alongside MF Lefoll in Paris, Misha Magidov and Ellie Ribeaux in London, Steven Cooper in Oxford, Alexander Bartman in Heidelberg. After ten years of work with sport trainers, dancers, musicians, physiotherapists, psychotherapists and speech therapists in Sweden, she opened the Paris school in September 2005.
She has been a taichi teacher since 1983 and has never stopped training in Alexander, Tai chi, chi kung, Zen Buddhism, Butoh, African dance, acupressure, NVC (nonviolent communication). Like AT, NVC is a practical model which helps us observe and understand patterns of reaction, and take the time to choose a different approach. It supports the intention of listening more deeply and of connecting compassionately with oneself and with others. 
Claire de Obaldia
Assistant and Lecturer


Claire graduated from Misha Magidov's North London Teacher Training Course in 2000. She was initially trained as a classical musician before turning to literary studies (Oxford Masters and Doctorate).
Along with teaching literature at university and the AT at ETAPP, where she is also responsible for the reading sessions on Alexander books and related topics, Claire runs monthly introductory workshops, a private practice, and regularly attends continuing professional education meetings all over Europe (including the yearly summer exchange between the Affiliated Societies of the Alexander Technique). 
Visit her blogs!

Christine Hardy


Trained in Paris by MF LeFoll 1983-86, she is a member of ATI and APTA. She assisted MF Lefoll for 8 years and directed her own training course for 3 years. She has worked with first- and second-generation teachers from all over the world. She is also involved in ongoing psychoanalytical training, her other main field of interest. 
Christine has written Habiter son corps with a psychoanalyst friend and translated Jeremy Chance’s introductory book to the Alexander Technique, Découvrir et pratiquer la méthode Alexander.
Have a look at her website !


Peter Ribeaux
Moderator and director of an AT Training Program in London


A former university lecturer in occupational psychology, Peter was trained by Patrick Macdonald in 1965. He has been running a teacher training course in South London with his wife Ellie for over 30 years, and has been a moderator for a number of teacher training courses at home and abroad (thanks to his French origins he can moderate our students in their own language!). Peter continues to travel extensively as a visiting teacher and is particularly interested in promoting the Technique worldwide.

Pedro de Alcantara,
Le génie brésilien et l'efficacité américaine

Pedro de Alcantara est un omni-artiste supranational. Brésilien d'origine, il a fait des études de musique à New York et à la Yale University et une formation de Technique FM Alexander à Londres avec Pat Mcdonald de 83 à 86 pour ensuite s'installer à Paris. Si sa vie dépasse les frontières géographiques, son travail créatif et pédagogique dépasse les frontières artistiques.
Violoncelliste, chanteur, improvisateur et compositeur, Pedro de Alcantara est également l'auteur des ouvrages "La Technique Alexander : Principes et Pratique" aux Editions Dangles, la Technique Alexander pour les Musiciens" aux éditions Alexitère, deux romans Befiddled et Backtracked" publiés aux USA et dernièrement , "Integrated Practice" à Oxford University Press.

Pedro de Alcantara
Brasilian genius meets American efficiency

Pedro de Alcantara is a supranational omni-artist. Originally from Brazil, he studied music in New York and at Yale University, and the Alexander Technique in London with Patrick Macdonald from 1983 to 1986, before moving to Paris. Just as his life has taken him across many geographic boundaries, his creativity and teaching crosses artistic boundaries.
A cellist, singer, improviser and composer, Pedro de Alcantara is also author of “The Alexander Technique: A Skill for Life” (published by Crowood); “Indirect Procedures: A Musician’s Guide to the Alexander Technique” and “Integrated Practice” (both published by the Oxford University Press); and two novels, “Befiddled” and “Backtracked” (published by Delacort.) 

Malcolm King
La voix

Après des études à Oxford, Malcolm opte pour le chant. À 37 ans il avait déjà été invité à chanter à Covent Garden, à l'Opéra de Paris, à la Scala de Milan, au Metropolitan Opera de New York et à Glyndebourne, ainsi qu'à incarner Masetto dans le film Don Giovanni de Joseph Losey.En 1980, en pleine carrière, il décide de se consacrer à l’enseignement du chant. De 1988 à1996 il est conseiller musical et professeur de chant au Théâtre de la Monnaie à Bruxelles, et limite son activité lyrique à ce théâtre.

C’est son professeur de chant, Otakar Kraus, ancien élève d’Alexander même, qui introduit Malcolm King très tôt à la Technique FM Alexander. Il étudiera plus tard avec Elizabeth Langford,  qui applique et enseigne la Technique aux musiciens, et il est diplômé en 1994. Dès lors, il utilise cet outil inestimable dans son enseignement du chant. Il continue son activité pédagogique à l’échelle internationale avec des cours magistraux et des stages réguliers, soit de chant soit de Technique Alexander, dans divers pays d’Europe. 

Anne Fischer
La technique FM Alexander en chantant

Anne Fischer, musicienne, comédienne et pédagogue, relie dans son travail la rythmique Dalcroze, la technique FM Alexander et l'art du jeu scénique. Elle a travaillé avec de nombreux metteurs en scène tels que G. Lavaudant, M; Langhoff, M. Paquien et enseigne en France dans les écoles nationales de théâtre (ENSATT, TNS entre autres) et à l'étranger.

Carsten Möller
Head of an AT training program and of an Aikido center

Carsten was trained by Joseph Artzi in 1986-89 in Copenhagen, and was assistant in Artzi’s school in the beginning of 1990. He studied further with Shoshana Kaminitz, Misha Magedov and Shmuel Nelken in 1990, and invited Rivka Cohen several times to his school. He has taught the Technique full-time since 1994, and opened his own school in 2004. Carsten participates in regularly in exchanges with ETAPP, and visits Berlin for internal exchanges with his students every year.
He has worked with Ki Aikido since 1983, and is chief instructor in Denmark. He has also taught Aikido in Poland, Germany, Brazil and Sweden for the past few years. Mind-body unity, which is at the heart of the Alexander Technique as well as Ki Aikido, is the driving and unifying theme of his work. He is extremely interested in the phenomenology of the work, and aims at a teaching founded on experience, where the learning of the principles of the technique would be based on a first-person view, and extends to a more objective comprehension of the marvels of the use of the self. 

Dan Armon
Head of Training in Berlin

Dan has been director of a school in Berlin since 1999. Exchanges are organized with our school every year.
Dan was trained by Schmuel Nelken and Yehuda Kupermann from 1976-1978. He assisted Nelken in Jerusalem and Shaike Hermelin in Tel Aviv, then Yehuda Kupermann in Basle. He has also worked extensively with Uri Eshet. All these teachers created the conditions which helped him to grow in the work and to find his way. Alongside this work, he followed Zen masters who helped him to deepen his understanding of the Technique.
Encouraged by his teachers, he opened his first teachers’ training program in Freiburg, Germany, in 1989. Since 1999, he’s directed a school in Berlin. For over thirty years now, he’s considered the Technique as the most exciting occupation he’s ever studied; it’s allowed him to have fulfilling relationships with his students, whom he thanks.

Nina Hutchings
La vision

La Méthode Bates invite à une prise de conscience de notre fonctionnement visuel mais aussi de notrefonctionnement postural et général. Les nombreuses activités recommandées vont toutes stimuler la présence, l’intérêt, le balayage et le mouvement des yeux mais aussi de la tête. L’immobilité de la tête génère des tensions dans le cou, les épaules et le dos. La posture corporelle en générale et par conséquence la posture de la tête, sont des facteurs qui influencent le positionnement des yeux. Quand la posture est juste, la chaine musculaire se détend tout le long du corps favorisant ainsi un fonctionnement relâché, dynamique, tonique et mobile.
La Méthode Bates améliore la fonction visuelle favorisant un capital visuel optimal. Elle est très
complémentaire aux techniques corporelles telles que la Technique Alexander.

Véronique Marco

Danseuse et professeur de danse de formation, je transmets la technique F.M Alexander dans les métiers artistiques dont je suis issue, mais également pour tous les publics ainsi que les personnes atteintes de la maladie de parkinson. Professeur d’anatomie fonctionnelle, j'enseigne aux professeurs de la Technique F.M. Alexander et à "l’Etapp" . Depuis 2015 j'interviens  à la maitrise de Radio France. Je fonde en 2012 le Collectif Technique F.M. Alexander® à Paris. En 2014 je rejoins L'APTA (l'Association Nationale Française des Professeurs de la Technique F.M Alexander® ) en tant que présidente.

En ce qui concerne mes ateliers :

Nous explorons  les passerelles entre l'anatomie fonctionnelle et les principes de la technique Alexander, au travers de cours fondés sur l'expérimentation et le mouvement. 

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